Erreur :

Fichier de script : /classement/classement.php
Requête : SELECT 92 as nb_record, uid, code, class, pts, p_joue, p_parfait, p_bonecart, p_bon, p_mauvais, p_bonus, b_affiche, b_joue, token1win, token2win FROM archive_concours WHERE pid = 2 AND cid = AND class <>0 ORDER BY class,uid LIMIT 0, 100
Error#1 : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AND class <>0 ORDER BY class,uid LIMIT 0, 100' at line 18 Battle-on-sports -
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Classement Liga 2023-2024

Rank Pseudo Pts J Parfait Bon ec Bons Mauv Bonus
Pas de classement

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